The first term tenancy of Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC)’s “ADC Artspace” located at Genesis in Wong Chuk Hang will expire on 31 October 2016. ADC now invites qualified individuals to submit application for leasing the studios of “ADC Artspace”. The tenancy period of the second term will be from 1 November 2016 to 31 October 2018. The rent will be HK$6.5/ft2 and the management fee will be HK$3/ft2. To encourage the development of potential emerging artists, ADC will continue implementing the “Emerging Artists Rental Subsidy Scheme”. Emerging artists will be provided 50% rental subsidy for a maximum of two years but will be required to pay the management fee.
Interested parties can obtain Application Guidelines and Application Form from the ADC Administration Office on 14/F, East Warwick House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Hong Kong during office hours, or download these documents from the ADC’s website ( Completed application (including Application Form, supplementary information and all supporting documents) must be deposited into the collection box located at the above address by
6:30p.m., 26 February 2016 (Friday). Please mark “ADC Artspace – 12/F, Genesis” on the envelope. Applications submitted by post will only be accepted if postmarked no later than the deadline. Late applications or applications submitted via fax, email or in any digital forms will not be processed. For enquiries, please call Ms. Law at 2820 1071.
About “ADC Artspace”
“ADC Artspace” is located on 12/F, Genesis, 33-35 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen. It is at close proximity to the Wong Chuk Hang Station of the MTR South Island Line, which is scheduled for completion in late 2016. The total floor area of “ADC Artspace” is about 10,254 ft2 and it is partitioned into 17 individual studios ranging from around 300 to 1,400 ft2. It aims to provide studios at concessionary rent to local visual/media artists, especially to emerging ones.
ADC launched the “ADC Artspace” leasing programme in 2014. The provision of the “ADC Artspace” is scheduled for six years, with each tenancy term lasting for 2 years. The first term is from 1 November 2014 to 31 October 2016 and all 17 studios are currently leased out.
The project is made possible by the generous sponsorship of Hip Shing Hong (Holdings) Company Ltd., which has leased the space with below-market rate to the ADC, and the subsidy provided by Home Affairs Bureau.